Living in Paris.
Looking for Hamza, Los Patos, Paris 2019
Delay, Daniel Everett curating Washer/Dryer Projects, Salt Lake City, 2019
Matin, Midi et Soir Galerie Honoré-Visconti, Paris, 2016
Tomodomo Galerie Madé, Paris, 2013
Yet magazine
Paper Journal 1, 2, 3
Der Greif
The Heavy Collective 1, 2
Boooooooom 1, 2, 3
Humble Arts Foundation
It’s Nice That 1, 2
Broad magazine
Phases magazine 1, 2
Ain’t Bad 1, 2
Noice magazine 1, 2
The Garden Edit
A Tiny Space
Another Place
This is Paper
Escapades vers le Vivant, Gallimard
Lost magazine
Vostok magazine
Paul Paper’s “Too Good to be Photographed”
Noice magazine
Brett magazine
One Year for Paris
Ain’t Bad magazine
Pik magazine